If you change your mind within 14 days from the date of your initial call you must confirm cancellation by telephone or in writing to the Abercynon office address. Answerphone messages may be left in order to cancel. Please leave your full name and address. This will be acknowledged within 5 working days. Any fees paid will be refunded however, the company reserves the right to charge an administration fee of up to 20% of the amount paid depending on how much work has been completed at the time of cancellation.
If you change your mind after 14 days, but within 3 months, a refund can be issued, but the company reserves the right to charge an administration fee of up to 40% of the total amount paid.
If you change your mind after 3 months, but within 6 months, a refund can be issued, but the Company reserves the right to charge an administration fee of up to 60% of the total amount paid.
If you change your mind after 6 months of delivery of your final witnessed documents, no refund will be issued.
Any refunds that are paid will be paid in full up to the first £999.
For refunds over £1,000, but less than £1,499, payments will be made in three equal instalments on a monthly basis.
For payments over £1,500, but less than £1,999, payments will be made in 4 equal instalments on a monthly basis.
For payments over £2,000, payments will be made in 6 equal instalments on a monthly basis.